The Australiana Society is an incorporated association of collectors, researchers, dealers and auctioneers devoted to collecting, studying and preserving Australiana: art, decorative arts, antiques, historic items, collectables, buildings and sites, and portable heritage made in, or relating to, Australia.
We publish Australiana, a quarterly all-colour magazine (60 pages, except for special bumper issues) presenting authoritative, topical, and practical articles on Australian art, design, furniture, ceramics, glass, jewellery, metalwork, coins, notes, medals, crafts, ephemera, architecture, history, historic houses, conservation, etc. | The contents and index to Australiana are available on this website. We seek contributions on Australiana subjects; click on Australiana magazine for details. We organise talks, exhibition viewings, excursions, seminars and other events in Sydney and elsewhere. The Society is run entirely by volunteers. |
CONTRIBUTEWe encourage you to submit contributions on an aspect of Australiana for our magazine. Contributions are to be well illustrated and include text, pictures and captions preferably in electronic form. We do not pay for contributions. Our Style guide is available here. | SUBSCRIBEMembers receive Australiana magazine, which is available only by subscription. To join, please download a membership form. Back issues ($30 (AUD) each) are available directly from us. Household subscriptions cost $90 (AUD), institutions $90 (AUD). | ADVERTISETo advertise in Australiana, please see our advertising rates and deadlines. To advertise via email to our members, please see our advertising for further information. For Media, advertising or general enquiries please email the Secretary. |
The Australiana Society acknowledges Australia’s First Nations Peoples – the First Australians – as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of this land and gives respect to the Elders – past and present – and through them to all Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. |