Art Potters Exhibition Tour

  • 27 Jul 2019
  • 10:45 AM
  • Bundoora Homestead Art Centre, Bundoora VIC

"Colour and Fantasy - Australia's First Colonial Art Potters" Exhibition and Bundoora Homestead Tours

L to R - Works by William Ferry (active 1896-1912), Graham Ferry (active 1883-1915) and Richard Sturrock (active 1896-1910)

A morning lecture and tour of the Art Potters Exhibition by Curator Greg Hill, followed by lunch, and then an afternoon Heritage Talk and Tour of the Bundoora Homestead and Grounds by Collections and Heritage Officer Sophie Kahl.

Date: Saturday, 27 July 2019

Time: 10.45am for 11am

Venue: Bundoora Homestead Art Centre, 7 Prospect Hill Drive, Bundoora VIC / Tram Route 86, Stop 62 / Melway 19 G2

Cost: $30 per person

Payment options: By direct transfer or cheque  (contact Robert for details)

RSVP and Payment: By Friday, 19 July 2019

Contact: Robert Stevens by email